The practice spiros ip architecture is shaped by the current research in the field of architecture through a diverse network of associations. By introducing contemporary computational techniques and strategies from the initial stages of the design, architecture emerges as an amalgam of thoughts and processes for space, program, materiality, fabrication and construction; each time reviewing a different way of the pre-established conceptions of what architecture is and how it should emerge.





Spiros I. Papadimitriou


Since 1999 he is working as an independent architect and he is involved in various projects and international competitions through a network of variant associations. He graduated from the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki (A.U.Th.) and he received his Master degree in Architecture and Urbanism from the Architectural Association School of Architecture in London. He is Associate Professor at the Architecture School of A.U.Th., where he teaches since 2004. He has received many awards and distinctions in international and national competitions and he has participated in many exhibitions, publications and conferences in Greece and in Europe. He was curator of the exhibition and of the book under the same title.In 2011 he was awarded the 'Young Greek Architect Award' from the Greek Association of Architects, SADAS. The constructed project "Paramana", the central square of the Municipality of Thermi, was awarded by the Greek Institute of Architecture and was nominated for the Mies Van Der Rohe Awards 2011. 





postal address:


Kimonos Voga 26,

54645, Thessaloniki,














November 2024 _ 1st Prize  _ project:   Rigas Feraios Memorial Container

National architectural competition “New Museum - Documentation Center "Rigas Velestinlis”

Founded:   Rigas Feraios Municipality Greece

Jury: T. Andrianopoulos, A. Katsioura, A. Lazaris, Th. Dalampouras, A. Papageorgiou



November 2023 _mention _ project:  3D Timer

National architectural competition for the revitalization of the clock of Larissa

Founded Larissa Municipality

Jury: Giorgos Tsolakis, Maria Petroglou, Spyridon Kotsopoulos, Vasiliki Agorastidou, Amalia Michali




July 2021 _3d honorable prize _ project:  Floating Nest

National architectural competition of one stage for the design of a kindergarten and public services building

Founded:  Thessaloniki Municipality

Jury: G.Katsavounidou, K.Oudatzi, E.Kastro, A.Panos, V.Damaskou



June 2020 _ 1st honorable prize _ project:  TheGate

National architectural competition for the «reconstruction and extension of the City Hall of Pylis Municipality»

Founded:  Pylis Municipality

Jury: S.Apostolopoulos, N.Kazeros, N.Tsinikas, G.Tsolakis, F.Vavili,



May 2018 _ 3d prize _ project:  WaterTower

National competition for the «design of beach equipment for the islands of Dodecanese»

Founded: Region of South Aegean

Jury: A. Melanitou, G. Tsolaki, A. Kleidona, Th. Mavrila, P.Liako



July 2014 _ mention _ project: MemorySpaceFrames

National competition for a «Covered Space, landmark for passengers and taxi drivers in Chios town

Founded: Municipality of Chios

Jury: D. Giannisis, S.Karousakis, Th.Xanthi, M.Filippopoulou



October 2011 _ mention _ project: Urban Luminaire

National Competition for the Design of four Piers for Thessaloniki's Urban Sea Transportation

Founded: Municipality of Thessaloniki, Ministry of Infrastructure, Transport and Networks, Piraeus Bank

Jury: S. Vougias, L. Papadopoulos, A. Pappas, I. Sekeris, E. Spartsi

see the results



 March 2011 _ Young Greek Architect award _ project: ‘Paramana’ Central Square

Greek Architecture Awards 2010

Category: Young Greek Architect

Founded: Greek Association of Architects (SADAS)

Jury: R.Gonthier, V.Karavia, G.Papadomarkakis, A.Vozani,

P.Vasilatos, M.Despotidi, G.Zervos, S.Amourgis, V.Sgoutas



November 2010 _ mention _ project: my own garden

European competition, Design of Sustainable Social Housing, Municipality of Axios, Thessaloniki

Founded: Hellenic Institute of Architecture (EIA), Organization of Social Housing (O.E.K), SIKA S.A.

Jury: K. Kiriakidis, G. Manetas, M. Papanikolaou, E. Zacharopoulos, P. Pasios



 October 2010 _ nomination _ project: ‘Paramana’ Central Square

Mies Van Der Rohe Awards

Project: ‘Paramana’ Central Square of Thermi Municipality

Founded: SADASMies Van Der Rohe awards

Jury: S. Amourgis, B. Karavia, E. Konstandopoulos, E. Lyroudia, R. Sakellaridou



 April 2009 _ mention _ project: ‘Paramana’ Central Square

Architecture Awards of Hellenic Institute of Architecture 2003-2008

Project: ‘Paramana’ Central Square of Thermi Municipality

Founded: Hellenic Institute of Architecture (EIA)

Jury: V. Baskozos, D. Tsagaraki, D. Diamandopoulos, Ch. Deligiannis, A. Giakoumakatos,

P. Dragonas, Fulvio Irace, N. Kalogeras



 May 2008 _ mention _ project:

International competition for the ‘Info Point’ of the UIA Congress at the central square of Turin    

Founded: UIA Congress, Turin 2008, Transmitting architecture

JuryGeorge KunihiroMaria TheodorouPaola SalernoReuben Mutiso,

Jennifer LeeDomenico Bagliani



October 2006 _ shortlisted _ project: spiral library

International competition for the new Building of the National Library of Czech Republic in Prague

Founded: the National Library of Czech Republic 

Jury: Eva Jiřičná – President, Zaha Hadid, Irene Wiese-von Ofen, Vlastimil Ježek, José Grinberg,

 Petr Bílek, Jan Kněžínek, John Eisler



April 2006 _ second price _ project: ΕΤVΑ S.A. offices

National competition for Industrial Office and Service Centers

Founded: ΕΤVΑ S.A.

Jury: Giannis Kizis, Tasis Papaioannou, Dimitris Kounelakis, Nikolaos Stamos, Ioannis Tsalapatas



October 2004 _ mention _ project: iΤΟΠΙΑ

National competition, Ideas For the new character of office spaces of the Pan-Hellenic Social Party

Founded: Pan-Hellenic Social Party

Jury: Andreas Kourkoulas, Eirini Sakelaridou, Giorgos Tzirzilakis, Kiriaki Katsanou, Spyros Vougias,

Alexis Kokkos, Leuteris Katsiarelis



January 2003 _ honor mention _ project: toposcope

International Competition, design of ephemeral architectural structures in Athens (DOES), Greece, within the context of the Cultural Olympiad 2001-2004 and the Athens 2004 Olympic Games, category: landmark,

Founded: Hellenic Ministry of Culture and the International Union of Architects (UIA)

Jury: president: Elias Zeggelis, members: Zaha Hadid, Hani Rashid, Yatsuka Hasime, Sylvia Lavin, Claudio Baldisserri, Andreas Vourekas Petals, Giorgos Peponis, Nikolas Tsinikas, Ifigenia Lolopoulou Skamnaki, Wolfgang Tochterman, Flemming Aalund, second members: Nelly Marda, Giorgos Tzirtzilakis, Ivana Wingham



September 2000 _ first price _ project: infotubes

National competition, design of the Public Information Pavilion for matters related to the Olympic Games

of 2004 in Athens

Founded: Greek Ministry of Education and Nestle Hellas S.A.

Jury: Giorgos Parmenidis, Argiris Rokas, Dimitris Biris



February 2010 _ nomination (in final 35 from 217 participants) _ project: Maribor Art Gallery

International Competition, UGM – Maribor Art Galler, Drava Rriver 2012

Founded: Municipality of Maribor, Slovenia



January 2009 _ nomination (in final 62 from 926 participants) _ iDcon

International Competition, Tall Emblem Structure in Za’abeel Park in Dubai

Founded: Dubai Municipality, ThyssenKrupp Elevator